Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Blog 6

One technology that I learned about because of a friend would be the apple watch. When my friend bought the apple watch, he told all about the perks of having your own Apple Watch. The most important fact that I have learned about the apple watch was that it could be a technology that can check your heart rate at any given time. Once I learned how to use the Apple Watch I realized that the notifications that you get will get to you almost instantly. Apple watch is also a technology that you could use when you want to go for a run outside.The Apple watch was a very light one compared to other watches that I have bought to wear around my wrist. One of the cool factors about the apple watch was that you can also text your friends On the app IMessage on the Apple watch. It is really cool that this Apple watch allows you to make phone calls at any time. I never thought that a watch would be like a telephone because those devices are completely different pieces of technology.

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