Saturday, May 7, 2022

Blog 9

            The diffusion is happening because the new innovation that was being introduced to the world started to bring normalization to this new innovation that has brought our world and people to want to be adaptors of the Early Majority that have gotten this new innovation. The Early adaptors are just some few people that have noticed something interesting that most people didn't know about back then and they would also want to be people that were the people that will potentially know more about this innovation then everybody else. The reason why some people were late adaptors is because some people really didn't know about this innovation and the benefits that it can bring to us. Late adaptors might have also not wanted to see the old ways change. One reason why some people were not adaptors at all is because some people were not interested in this innovation. 

This technology can get in the way of you doing your objectives that you're trying to accomplish during the day. Most people that will use new technology will be very addicted to the trends on social media and they will not want to stop using the media because of this. The positives will not outweigh the negatives because new things like social media will rotten your brain and an Innovation of new technology will get in the way of people living a traditional life without technology. One other reason why the positives don't outweigh the negatives is because most people are not really focused on staying off the technology. Technology has made such an impact on the social lives of people and the creativity you can show others on the technology invented in our world.

 The cost benefit analysis would help us with the new technology innovation made because businesses will know how to price the new technology because new technology usually can be pricey and we see all the improvements new technology provides us.It is also crucial to know that the weigh of a new innovation depends on the effectiveness on a new communication technology. If the new technology isn't impactful its considered negative, if it was impactful its considered a positive weigh for the innovation.

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Final Blog Post

       I believe that people's relationship that use this technology at the average activity per day are putting themselves at an unheal...