Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Blog 1

One website that I have found to be useful for finding current news is Fox News because they have a ton of news on their website compared to others. Fox News usually tells the truth for must the news that they use on their platform.  You will find a lot of interesting news on politics there as well.

I also recommend google news because google news also has a ton of news to look at there. Google is a very reliable source and it most of the time and the news is easy to understand. The news site also has more news than a lot of websites. Google News also tries to give the news reader an article that the reader might like that is located on the For You section for the news.

Yahoo News Is a website that I have been using for. multiple years to look at recent news. News on Yahoo can be extremely fun to read at times. I would recommended you to use Yahoo News as a website for news searching because there is a lot of world news and business news that is very interesting. I  also like that yahoo news gives me live updates. is also a great website because you can find out a lot of news about sports there. The amount of soccer information that I find on there  is great. I would recommend everyone to use this website due to the variety of trending topics it stores inside the website. I like how Msn also has a shopping section in their website, where the trending items that are talked about in the news are items are shown there.

Forbes is another news site that I have been using for a long time because a lot of people I know told med it was an interesting website to use to find news. Everything I use their news website, I learn something new. One big reason. why I would recommend this news site to you is because Forbes is a website that has new things of news so often just like Yahoo News.  Its amazing how Forbes is a very organized news website.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with most of your thoughts. Fox News is my favorite. FOX is more conservative it fits my beliefs but I am open to getting all view perspectives.


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