Sunday, May 8, 2022

Final Blog Post


    I believe that people's relationship that use this technology at the average activity per day are putting themselves at an unhealthy one because this technology has the ability to drain all of your energy away. Also it is unhealthy even if you use very little time on technology because using technology at all is bad for you. It is also taking in person social time away from individuals. Technology takes people's time away from social gatherings that people have planned.

I believe technology is taking too much of my time in my life because that's the one thing that can be addicting to use a lot because learning the news and playing video games on the technology that we have can be something that is very enjoyable. Also technology's longevity is not that long, so after the device gets too old and slow there is a chance that I might have wasted some of my time that I could have spent doing other things. Since I use Technology so much, it is something that can get in the way of my academic success.

Technology is something that definitely can help you become smarter because there is a variety of things that technology can do to make you a smarter person. For example you can jot down notes on your phone so you don't have to write it on a piece of paper. Technology helps us know  where we need to go when traveling.The technology is so smart that it could even count all of our steps.Technology helps you make choices in life because technology does promote certain things and technology makes people more certain.




Technology is one thing that might be the biggest worry for me, because soon enough technology is going to become so good that technology will be something that will be around you everywhere you go even if you don't see technology in the area you are in. Technology also can potentially take over our social life completely in the next few years because they're introducing so much technology that people really enjoy using that they can't stop using it and as a result of that It will be harder for me to meet new people to become friends with. Robots can potentially be doing absolutely everything and replacing us as workers so it will be impossible for us to make any type of money and we will struggle to pay bills and a lot of us will be poor. The robots also could be "Killer Robots" and potentially kill people they don't like. Oxford professor Nick  Bostrom states that It's “one potential danger in creating an artificial super intelligence”. Another issue is that we will not have our regular organs anymore and they will have potentially robotic ones inside of us. Biomaterials in labs will be the new normal body parts instead of important parts that our human body has given us. Overall all this future technology is extremely worrying and hopefully we prevent these negatives from happening.

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Final Blog Post

       I believe that people's relationship that use this technology at the average activity per day are putting themselves at an unheal...