Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Blog Post 3

 There has been so much violence in Ukraine for the last month because of the war that Russia decided to start with them,  Day by day the violence that is occurring right now in that is getting worse and worse.
 The News that the Ukrainian President explains is that the unlawful acts in Mariupol are occurring today and Russian troops are grouping up and going to the city of Mariupol to invade the people who live there and are talking their resources as well. Thousands of people are leaving the city of Mariupol because of the invasion. One of the Russian leaders have been killed in the war.
Russia was threatening Ukraine by spreading the word that they deployed a nuclear missile that could be armed with a nuclear warhead in the future. The Ukrainian Prime Minister often gives speeches so everyone can know that he refuses to surrender and give up the land to the Russian army. An Arts School was another place that was rumored to have been bombed. Russia tells Ukraine that if they give up their land by a certain  time, they will not have to deal with Russia planning to attack them more.  Russia had a strategic plan to use advanced tactics to eliminate the highly ranked Ukrainian Solilders.  In the conflict  between Ukraine and Russia there have been more than one hundred children killed. One incident included the death of a 9 year old boy due to an artillery attack. Its has only been the first month of the war and Russia has done an outrageous amount of damage to the  Ukraine city of Mariupol. 2500 residents have died because of all of the Russian invaders choosing to kill a bunch of people.  The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that they should start a world war because Russia  might refuse to make peace with Ukraine. "I think that we have to use any format, any chance in order to have a possibility of negotiating possibility of talking to Putin"(Zelenskyy,Volodymyr). During this war there has been something that was not expected happened. A Ukrainan couple From New York that have a newborn gets trapped inside a bakery.

Stimson, Ben,Micheal Lee, Peter Aitken, Lawrence Richard

1 comment:

  1. I agree Russia is committing war crimes on a daily basis. What’s next!


Final Blog Post

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