Saturday, May 7, 2022

Blog 10

     I have learned certain things when I watched this group presentation. Whistleblowing is one topic that I have learned a lot about. I have learned that whistleblowers are trying to make sure to let others know about wrongdoings that someone has did. Whistleblowers expose the wrongdoer so others realize what the wrongdoer is doing so they can stop doing certain things. Also I've learned that whistleblowing is one of the biggest topics to talk about in the Mediasphere. This presentation taught me about some potential real life examples of whistleblowing. One example from the presentation the presenter talked about was about a whistleblower trying to expose a thief stealing an item that no one expected to steal because it would be so obvious to get caught stealing it, so the whistleblower has made some key points to address that something has been stolen so the people can believe them. I also learned that it is not easy to be a whistleblower because a lot of the time people will not believe you.

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