Sunday, May 8, 2022

Final Blog Post


    I believe that people's relationship that use this technology at the average activity per day are putting themselves at an unhealthy one because this technology has the ability to drain all of your energy away. Also it is unhealthy even if you use very little time on technology because using technology at all is bad for you. It is also taking in person social time away from individuals. Technology takes people's time away from social gatherings that people have planned.

I believe technology is taking too much of my time in my life because that's the one thing that can be addicting to use a lot because learning the news and playing video games on the technology that we have can be something that is very enjoyable. Also technology's longevity is not that long, so after the device gets too old and slow there is a chance that I might have wasted some of my time that I could have spent doing other things. Since I use Technology so much, it is something that can get in the way of my academic success.

Technology is something that definitely can help you become smarter because there is a variety of things that technology can do to make you a smarter person. For example you can jot down notes on your phone so you don't have to write it on a piece of paper. Technology helps us know  where we need to go when traveling.The technology is so smart that it could even count all of our steps.Technology helps you make choices in life because technology does promote certain things and technology makes people more certain.




Technology is one thing that might be the biggest worry for me, because soon enough technology is going to become so good that technology will be something that will be around you everywhere you go even if you don't see technology in the area you are in. Technology also can potentially take over our social life completely in the next few years because they're introducing so much technology that people really enjoy using that they can't stop using it and as a result of that It will be harder for me to meet new people to become friends with. Robots can potentially be doing absolutely everything and replacing us as workers so it will be impossible for us to make any type of money and we will struggle to pay bills and a lot of us will be poor. The robots also could be "Killer Robots" and potentially kill people they don't like. Oxford professor Nick  Bostrom states that It's “one potential danger in creating an artificial super intelligence”. Another issue is that we will not have our regular organs anymore and they will have potentially robotic ones inside of us. Biomaterials in labs will be the new normal body parts instead of important parts that our human body has given us. Overall all this future technology is extremely worrying and hopefully we prevent these negatives from happening.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Blog 11

     In this video I have learned about the things that AI has done that are significant to us. AI is changing the way we do things like what we do in our career fields. One thing I learned while watching the video "In the Age of AI" is that AI can control things like elections and meeting objectives. One thing that I have learned in this film that is crazy is that AI has the power to Make information travel to areas that are distant from the area that you are in. One thing that I found as an important takeaway is that projecting data is something that is a priority. One thing that is something that I found to be surprising is that the AI is used a lot in political situations. For example in meetings they will talk about AI taking data from individuals. Another thing that I find extremely surprising is that Alexa can turn on a fan just if you ask Alexa to do so for you.One thing that I find to be very worrying is that an individual can make Alexa take a video just by the individual commanding Alexa to do so.  


Blog 10

     I have learned certain things when I watched this group presentation. Whistleblowing is one topic that I have learned a lot about. I have learned that whistleblowers are trying to make sure to let others know about wrongdoings that someone has did. Whistleblowers expose the wrongdoer so others realize what the wrongdoer is doing so they can stop doing certain things. Also I've learned that whistleblowing is one of the biggest topics to talk about in the Mediasphere. This presentation taught me about some potential real life examples of whistleblowing. One example from the presentation the presenter talked about was about a whistleblower trying to expose a thief stealing an item that no one expected to steal because it would be so obvious to get caught stealing it, so the whistleblower has made some key points to address that something has been stolen so the people can believe them. I also learned that it is not easy to be a whistleblower because a lot of the time people will not believe you.

Blog 9

            The diffusion is happening because the new innovation that was being introduced to the world started to bring normalization to this new innovation that has brought our world and people to want to be adaptors of the Early Majority that have gotten this new innovation. The Early adaptors are just some few people that have noticed something interesting that most people didn't know about back then and they would also want to be people that were the people that will potentially know more about this innovation then everybody else. The reason why some people were late adaptors is because some people really didn't know about this innovation and the benefits that it can bring to us. Late adaptors might have also not wanted to see the old ways change. One reason why some people were not adaptors at all is because some people were not interested in this innovation. 

This technology can get in the way of you doing your objectives that you're trying to accomplish during the day. Most people that will use new technology will be very addicted to the trends on social media and they will not want to stop using the media because of this. The positives will not outweigh the negatives because new things like social media will rotten your brain and an Innovation of new technology will get in the way of people living a traditional life without technology. One other reason why the positives don't outweigh the negatives is because most people are not really focused on staying off the technology. Technology has made such an impact on the social lives of people and the creativity you can show others on the technology invented in our world.

 The cost benefit analysis would help us with the new technology innovation made because businesses will know how to price the new technology because new technology usually can be pricey and we see all the improvements new technology provides us.It is also crucial to know that the weigh of a new innovation depends on the effectiveness on a new communication technology. If the new technology isn't impactful its considered negative, if it was impactful its considered a positive weigh for the innovation.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Blog 8



               Cord Cutting is a process where an individual cuts the more expensive cable connections so that results in creating a lower cost for subscription opportunities, discounts for movies that you would want to purchase and a low cost tv channel upgrade. Cord Cutting would be something that is beneficial that can change the technological industry for the better. Apple is one of the biggest technological companies in the world that is in favor of the idea of Cord Cutting. The Cord Cutting concept was noticed during early 2010. Cord Cutting is done because a lot of individuals want to have a faster internet so they don't waste their time because of the slow internet. 



One reason why Cord Cutting can be a bad thing is because  we are wasting resources when we are cutting other cords. Also expensive cords tend to be valuable and it looks like cord cutters don’t really care about the cords. Cord Cutting used to be something that was done so you don't risk losing all of your tv programs that you have available to you. Society would believe that Cord Cutting would be a good thing because it would help everyone have easier lives financially. Cord Cutting helps our society worry less about technology for example we worry less about television problems due to Cord Cutting. One way Cord Cutting can affect the rich in a bad way is that the rich people are not going to be so happy that their expensive cords are being cut by cord cutters. Rich people will lose a ton of money that they have and Cord Cutting to some of them would seem to be a method to make the rich people put their money down the drain.


Cord-cutting can really affect me my family and my friends because the cords that we own would be broken and it would take away our complete freedom of having unlimited access to watch TV and using our desktops. Our generation's bills for Cord Cutting are the worst compared to other generations. Cord Cutting is bringing the cable industry to an end. People don't want to worry about cord cutters cutting their cables so they are deciding to stop using cables all together. It is difficult for companies like Comcast to grow because the decline is really affecting their cable company. In 2014 the cable industry lost just  over 100,000 customers (Kilne Daniel). In 2017 there was a drastic change where the number 100,000 became the number a million For the number of Customers for Comcast (Kilne Daniel).In 2019 the amount of people that have stopped being customers for Comcast was a staggering 4.6 through 4.9 million.(Kilne Daniel). People who own certain channels are losing money due to a massive decline of using cable (Kilne Daniel).Cord cutters have really made so many changes to the technology environment. In the future we can see Cord-Cutting completely being something that is done so much more then usual. Hopefully cord-cutting can positively change our world and hopefully the vast majority is satisfied with the positive changes.Also hopefully there is not any negative changes to our world. We want to make our world a safer and better place.



Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Blog 7

     Its extremely upsetting to me to hear that our license plates are being checked without us even knowing. This issue will also affect my friends and family because their life is in danger because of this scary technology. The stingray is a technology that will most certainly be a technology that me, my friends and my family will have to worry about because the stingray technology can be used on our houses and as a result of that  the law enforcement agents will know our location on our phone at all times. The government should be stopping this unwanted privacy invasion by the law enforcers immediately. It's super unfair everything we do could be getting recorded without us even knowing. The government should  let others who don’t know about this issue know as soon as possible. We as people need to be aware that the law enforcers are watching basically almost everything we are saying so we don't put ourselves in bad situations. We should also let others who don't know about this issue find out instantly. We should also share this information on social media so people from all around the world can know about the law enforcers planning to invade our privacy so we stop this unwanted privacy invasion.

Be aware of the stingray->

License plate being recorded by hidden camera 

Blog 6

One technology that I learned about because of a friend would be the apple watch. When my friend bought the apple watch, he told all about the perks of having your own Apple Watch. The most important fact that I have learned about the apple watch was that it could be a technology that can check your heart rate at any given time. Once I learned how to use the Apple Watch I realized that the notifications that you get will get to you almost instantly. Apple watch is also a technology that you could use when you want to go for a run outside.The Apple watch was a very light one compared to other watches that I have bought to wear around my wrist. One of the cool factors about the apple watch was that you can also text your friends On the app IMessage on the Apple watch. It is really cool that this Apple watch allows you to make phone calls at any time. I never thought that a watch would be like a telephone because those devices are completely different pieces of technology.

Final Blog Post

       I believe that people's relationship that use this technology at the average activity per day are putting themselves at an unheal...