Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Blog 2

 1. One thing that I didn't know about the Supreme Court was finding out that the congress has the control on the choices and regulations that individuals have for their court case.  Learning that not every courting date has a case for something was definitely something new to me. I have also learned the roles in the First Supreme Court such as the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices.  Seeing the amount of Supreme court justice seats there were today in a court is something that I have noted in my mind after reading the overview. 


2. The Most important takeaway point about the Supreme court would be that the Supreme Court is the top level federal court in the U.S that has control of the branches of government and the Supreme Court has the say to make the choices the court believes.

3. The most surprising thing that I have learned was learning when the Supreme Court was founded. The Supreme Court was around for such a long time so that made think that learning about the founding date of it was significantly interesting to learn about.  Another reason why I found that surprising is that President Washington was involved with the Supreme Court when it was first founded.

 First Supreme Court->

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