Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Post 4. EOTO technology

 Device that can be used for Mechanical recording. Has a purpose where the engraved disk should be assembled to the record player. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877. Back then when others forget to do certain tasks during the day or night the phonograph is a device that remind you what you have do.One of the biggest purposes that this technology has is because of this machines ability to play music on it. In 1877 Thomas Edison has decided to make a patent on the Phonograph In 1878 Thomas Edison has believed that he should start his own phonograph company, so he did and it was called the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company. Alexander Graham phonograph that he invented was the one where every little thing was so good that clearly a lot of individuals believed that Alexander Grahams phonograph called the graphophone was way better than Thomas Edisons orginial phonograph. On February 9,1878 Thomas Edison was awarded a patent because of the phonographs success. Thomas Edison and his assistants had a mission that is to make sure the phonograph had plenty of uses such as recording books, dictating papers and being a technology that is used during hoildays and huge upcoming events that individual are wanting to plan (McNamara Robert)                                                                              

The first recording with phonograph                                                                                                     were Embossed into a sheet of tinfoil (                 Phonographs It was the first technology to play back                                                                                 recorded Sound. ( There has been new

                                 ways to make the sound on the phonograph sound more                                                                      clear to prevent noise distributions. IThe phonograph can               hear you talk. The Phonograph has been improving                                                                                    overtime. In 1901 wax cylinders were known to a new                                                                                 part thats for the phonographs. Thomas Edison is the                                                                                 one that is credited because of this. The phonograph has                                                                             been something that is to great use for opera. According

 to Smithsonian Magazine During the first two first two                                                                                     decades of the phonograph from 1890 to 1910 the                                                                                 number of music teachers and performers per capita in the                                                                           U.S. rose by 25 percent, as Katz Found (Thompson,Clive).                                                                           The sound quality of the older phonographs were not                                                                                 really that reliable and the sound of the phonograph was                                                                             known for how awful it really was back then. Some                                                                                     individuals had anxiety when using the phonograph because                                                                         they know how crucially affected they can be by any sort of                                                                         sound misconception. For the majority of the 20th century the disc phonograph record has been a favorable way to audio record. In 1980 the phonographs typical record player popularity has started to disappear day by day because there was plenty of new digital recording formats that were more beneficial.

  Emil Berliner would film his phonograph recordings in a different way than Edison. Emil see his recordings would involve tracing sound grooves in a spiral that is on a flat disk.(Britannica Editors) Electric Impules and loudspeakers were effective when the phonograph needs a sound increase. The latest version of phonographs.       are depend on cds.  because you need one for the newest phonograph to work its best.                             


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