Thursday, April 21, 2022

Blog #4

   The Phonograph is a device that can be used for Mechanical recording. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877. Back then when others forgot to do certain tasks during the day or night the phonograph is a device that reminds you what you have to do. One of the biggest purposes that this technology has is its ability to play music on it. In 1877 Thomas Edison has decided to make a patent on the phonograph. In 1878 Thomas Edison wanted to show individuals a demonstration for the use of the phonograph when Thomas Edison had become more known to the public eye. In 1878 Thomas Edison believed that he should start his own phonograph company, so he did and it was called the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company. Alexander Graham Bell's phonograph that he invented was the one where every little thing was so good that clearly a lot of individuals believed that Alexander Graham Bell's phonograph called the graphophone was way better than Thomas Edisons original phonograph. On February 9,1878 Thomas Edison was awarded a patent because of the phonograph's success. Thomas Edison and his assistants had a mission that was to make sure the phonograph had plenty of uses such as recording books, dictating papers and being a technology that is used during holidays and huge upcoming events that individuals were to plan (McNamara Robert).

The first recording with the phonograph were Embossed into a sheet of tinfoil ( Phonographs were the first technology to play back recorded sound. (  There has been new ways to make the sound on the phonograph sound more clear to prevent noise distributions. The phonograph can hear you talk.The Phonograph has been improving overtime. In 1901 wax cylinders were known to be a new part for the phonographs. Thomas Edison is the one that is credited because of this. The phonograph has  been something that has a great use for opera. According to Smithsonian Magazine During the first two decades of the phonograph from 1890 to 1910 the number of music teachers and performers per capita in the  U.S. rose by 25 percent, as Katz Found (Thompson,Clive). The sound quality of the older phonographs were not really that reliable and the sound of the phonograph was known for how awful it really was back then. Some individuals had anxiety when using the phonograph because they know how crucially affected they can be by any sort of sound misconception.

For the majority of the 20th century the disc phonograph recordings had been a favorable way to audio record. In 1980 the phonographs typical record player popularity has started to disappear day by day because there was plenty of new digital recording formats that were more beneficial. According to Smithsonian Magazine, Some social critics would believe the music recordings from the phonograph are horrible for the brain that you have. Emil Berliner would record his phonograph recordings in a different way than Edison. Emil's recordings would involve tracing sound grooves in a spiral that is on a flat disk.(Britannica Editors) Electric Impulses and loudspeakers were effective when the phonograph needed a sound increase.


Thursday, April 7, 2022

(Blog 3)


One of the Values of free expression I believe is one that resonates to me the most with you is the discovery of truth free expression because I am something that is truthful and I also am someone who can not stand hearing lies in life. Another reason why this free expression resonates to me is that this free expression highlights how truth is always information that is more powerful than information that is not truthful. I believe That the most important free expression is the Discovery of Truth because hearing the  truth is the most reliable aspect in this world and plus the discovery of truth cancels out lies that come from anywhere that the lies are told. Also the Discovery of Truth is one free expression that can help others find solutions to daily situations that people need to solve. The Free expression that I find to be the one that is the most personal free expression is Stable Change (“Safety Value”) because citizens will relook at what they are thinking about and change their own ideas of what they are thinking of.

Also Stable Change (“Safety Value”) gives people that opportunity to express how they are feeling and how they are doing. (“Safety Value”)  is something that is not always clear in our world and can be disregarded (Omachonu, John). The Free Expression that I see the most today is the Individual Self Fulfillment (Self-Actualization) free expression because a lot of people today create some opportunities to improve themselves as a person and people today can easily identify themselves because they know everything about themselves as a person. Sometimes the news people today make up topics when they are on the air so they will have a way to have something to talk about so they can get attention from the audience. They also spam the Internet by putting their fake news on as many pages as possible where you have access to the news. The news people today have to protect their reputation for their viewers so this means they use the Protection Dissent freedom expression. For example the news people create fake news so the reputation is protected even though the news people don't want to put out fake news. Also social media definitely can promote individuals to use the Individual Self-Fulfillment(Self-Actualization) freedom expression Because people have the option to write things about themselves on there.For example on Instagram it gives the individual an option to write things in their bio about themselves such as their Hobbies their favorite food where they live Exc.The same thing goes with Facebook.People  do give them as much information as possible so they can be known throughout this social media platform.

One example of how the theory of free expression of  Self-Fulfillment (“Self-Actualization'') occurs  in our world is when one person talks to themselves and they tell themselves who they really are as a person. One way the theory Self-Fulfillment (“Self-Actualization”) can be used in our world is that you can show your Self Fulfillment on a job application you want to fill out.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Post 4. EOTO technology

 Device that can be used for Mechanical recording. Has a purpose where the engraved disk should be assembled to the record player. The phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison in 1877. Back then when others forget to do certain tasks during the day or night the phonograph is a device that remind you what you have do.One of the biggest purposes that this technology has is because of this machines ability to play music on it. In 1877 Thomas Edison has decided to make a patent on the Phonograph In 1878 Thomas Edison has believed that he should start his own phonograph company, so he did and it was called the Edison Speaking Phonograph Company. Alexander Graham phonograph that he invented was the one where every little thing was so good that clearly a lot of individuals believed that Alexander Grahams phonograph called the graphophone was way better than Thomas Edisons orginial phonograph. On February 9,1878 Thomas Edison was awarded a patent because of the phonographs success. Thomas Edison and his assistants had a mission that is to make sure the phonograph had plenty of uses such as recording books, dictating papers and being a technology that is used during hoildays and huge upcoming events that individual are wanting to plan (McNamara Robert)                                                                              

The first recording with phonograph                                                                                                     were Embossed into a sheet of tinfoil (                 Phonographs It was the first technology to play back                                                                                 recorded Sound. ( There has been new

                                 ways to make the sound on the phonograph sound more                                                                      clear to prevent noise distributions. IThe phonograph can               hear you talk. The Phonograph has been improving                                                                                    overtime. In 1901 wax cylinders were known to a new                                                                                 part thats for the phonographs. Thomas Edison is the                                                                                 one that is credited because of this. The phonograph has                                                                             been something that is to great use for opera. According

 to Smithsonian Magazine During the first two first two                                                                                     decades of the phonograph from 1890 to 1910 the                                                                                 number of music teachers and performers per capita in the                                                                           U.S. rose by 25 percent, as Katz Found (Thompson,Clive).                                                                           The sound quality of the older phonographs were not                                                                                 really that reliable and the sound of the phonograph was                                                                             known for how awful it really was back then. Some                                                                                     individuals had anxiety when using the phonograph because                                                                         they know how crucially affected they can be by any sort of                                                                         sound misconception. For the majority of the 20th century the disc phonograph record has been a favorable way to audio record. In 1980 the phonographs typical record player popularity has started to disappear day by day because there was plenty of new digital recording formats that were more beneficial.

  Emil Berliner would film his phonograph recordings in a different way than Edison. Emil see his recordings would involve tracing sound grooves in a spiral that is on a flat disk.(Britannica Editors) Electric Impules and loudspeakers were effective when the phonograph needs a sound increase. The latest version of phonographs.       are depend on cds.  because you need one for the newest phonograph to work its best.                             


Blog 2

 1. One thing that I didn't know about the Supreme Court was finding out that the congress has the control on the choices and regulations that individuals have for their court case.  Learning that not every courting date has a case for something was definitely something new to me. I have also learned the roles in the First Supreme Court such as the Chief Justice and the Associate Justices.  Seeing the amount of Supreme court justice seats there were today in a court is something that I have noted in my mind after reading the overview. 


2. The Most important takeaway point about the Supreme court would be that the Supreme Court is the top level federal court in the U.S that has control of the branches of government and the Supreme Court has the say to make the choices the court believes.

3. The most surprising thing that I have learned was learning when the Supreme Court was founded. The Supreme Court was around for such a long time so that made think that learning about the founding date of it was significantly interesting to learn about.  Another reason why I found that surprising is that President Washington was involved with the Supreme Court when it was first founded.

 First Supreme Court->

Blog 1

One website that I have found to be useful for finding current news is Fox News because they have a ton of news on their website compared to others. Fox News usually tells the truth for must the news that they use on their platform.  You will find a lot of interesting news on politics there as well.

I also recommend google news because google news also has a ton of news to look at there. Google is a very reliable source and it most of the time and the news is easy to understand. The news site also has more news than a lot of websites. Google News also tries to give the news reader an article that the reader might like that is located on the For You section for the news.

Yahoo News Is a website that I have been using for. multiple years to look at recent news. News on Yahoo can be extremely fun to read at times. I would recommended you to use Yahoo News as a website for news searching because there is a lot of world news and business news that is very interesting. I  also like that yahoo news gives me live updates. is also a great website because you can find out a lot of news about sports there. The amount of soccer information that I find on there  is great. I would recommend everyone to use this website due to the variety of trending topics it stores inside the website. I like how Msn also has a shopping section in their website, where the trending items that are talked about in the news are items are shown there.

Forbes is another news site that I have been using for a long time because a lot of people I know told med it was an interesting website to use to find news. Everything I use their news website, I learn something new. One big reason. why I would recommend this news site to you is because Forbes is a website that has new things of news so often just like Yahoo News.  Its amazing how Forbes is a very organized news website.

Blog Post 3

 There has been so much violence in Ukraine for the last month because of the war that Russia decided to start with them,  Day by day the violence that is occurring right now in that is getting worse and worse.
 The News that the Ukrainian President explains is that the unlawful acts in Mariupol are occurring today and Russian troops are grouping up and going to the city of Mariupol to invade the people who live there and are talking their resources as well. Thousands of people are leaving the city of Mariupol because of the invasion. One of the Russian leaders have been killed in the war.
Russia was threatening Ukraine by spreading the word that they deployed a nuclear missile that could be armed with a nuclear warhead in the future. The Ukrainian Prime Minister often gives speeches so everyone can know that he refuses to surrender and give up the land to the Russian army. An Arts School was another place that was rumored to have been bombed. Russia tells Ukraine that if they give up their land by a certain  time, they will not have to deal with Russia planning to attack them more.  Russia had a strategic plan to use advanced tactics to eliminate the highly ranked Ukrainian Solilders.  In the conflict  between Ukraine and Russia there have been more than one hundred children killed. One incident included the death of a 9 year old boy due to an artillery attack. Its has only been the first month of the war and Russia has done an outrageous amount of damage to the  Ukraine city of Mariupol. 2500 residents have died because of all of the Russian invaders choosing to kill a bunch of people.  The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that they should start a world war because Russia  might refuse to make peace with Ukraine. "I think that we have to use any format, any chance in order to have a possibility of negotiating possibility of talking to Putin"(Zelenskyy,Volodymyr). During this war there has been something that was not expected happened. A Ukrainan couple From New York that have a newborn gets trapped inside a bakery.

Stimson, Ben,Micheal Lee, Peter Aitken, Lawrence Richard

Final Blog Post

       I believe that people's relationship that use this technology at the average activity per day are putting themselves at an unheal...